The Institute of Compliance is the only entity on the Polish market and one of very few worldwide which provides comprehensive services in terms of compliance, ethics and integrity of corporations and other organizations. Our activities include the following issues:
- organising trainings on compliance and related topics, conducted by distinguished experts;
- providing advisory services in implementation of compliance management systems and in adjustment of existing solutions so as to assure their compliance with international standards like ISO 19600 and ISO 37001;
- evaluation of CMS and Anti-bribery Management Systems operating in organisations;
- publishing the professional “Compliance” magazine, aimed at compliance practitioners;
- conducting research projects, e.g. on the development of compliance, publishing materials and organising conferences.
The foundation of the Institute’s activities is our multifaceted and interdisciplinary approach towards compliance as well as the synergy of research and practice. It is possible thanks to close cooperation with the Viadrina Compliance Center of the Viardina University in Frankfurt, which holds a well-established compliance expert position in Germany and Poland. The researchers working at Viardina Compliance Center develop trainings and are responsible for the high level of their content, based on proven German standards. The trainings are conducted by expert Polish and foreign compliance practitioners – experienced educators with substantial work records.
Our office is bases in Slubice, Poland, at the Polish-German border in hearth of Europe and only 1h from Berlin:
Instytut Compliance Sp. z o. o. (Polish limited company)
ul. Kościuszki 1
69-100 Słubice, Poland
NIP: 5981635573 | REGON: 36371456300000 | KRS: 0000601887
Local Court in Zielonej Górze | VIII Commercial Division of the State Court Register
Amount of share capital: 5.000 PLN
Bank account number: 27 1090 1115 0000 0001 3214 1717